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To promote safe bicycling for fun, fitness and transportation statewide through advocacy and education
HomeWhat is BikeOklahoma?

What is BikeOklahoma?

BikeOklahoma is the State Bicycle Advocacy organization.
Click on each of the placards below for a full page view of the four categories. 
Scroll down to see how BikeOklahoma fits in with your local bike club and the national bike organization.

This chart shows how BikeOklahoma as a state bike club relates to the national organization ( LAB ) and local bike clubs

Responsibility Matrix - Task

(Underlined items are current top priorities)




(BikeOK )


( City Bicycle Clubs)



Membership in National Organization

Recruit leadership from Local Organizations.

Participate in AGOG/INCOG organizations.

Membership in State and National Organization

Bicycle Friendly America – a survey/score system for rating entities on making their location a better place to bike. An emphasis on continual improvement.



Coordinate local applications.

Report results.

Encourage improvements by local clubs and state org.

Data/fact checking for applicants.

Submit survey, implement improvements.

Data/fact gathering.

Ride Smart – Bicycling education, rules of the road and biking safely. “League Certified Instructors” (LCI)


Holding LCI classes periodically.

Promote Safe Routes to Schools.

Assist with funding.

Attend LCI class. Provide biking classes to new riders.

Support local school with SRTS & bike rodeo events

Assist with funding.

Bike Summit


National Summit

State Summit; Organize/Support.

Encourage participation by riders, engineers, planners and elected officials.

Participate in National summit.

Participate in state summit

National Bike Month



Promote to local clubs, including bike to work and bike to school events.


National Bike Challenge



Promote to local clubs


Promote Bicycling


Facilitate local participation.

Promote riding to all riders, not just recreational riders. And all populations – families, low economic, racial.

Political influence/policy direction.


Federal Level

State Level ( i.e. Route 66 )

Bike Day at the state capital

Governor’s Bike Ride

Bicycle Advisory Council

Promote ODOT support of bicycling facilities.

Lobby (as 501c4)

Inform (as 501c3)

Observe conditions, comment/suggest, report results & effectiveness. Connect with local legislators, mayors, city councils

Bike laws


National level

Expert testimony in legal proceedings

Amicus briefs


State Level/Local assistance

Expert testimony in legal proceedings

Amicus briefs

Contribute to legislative committee hearings

Outreach to law enforcement (CLEET)

Observe conditions, comment/suggest, report results & effectiveness. Connect with local legislators, city council, and police chief.

Remembering victims/preventing tragedies




Remember & maintain memorials, Ride Of Silence



Promote state biking tourism. i.e. Freewheel, Route 66, Chisholm Trail, etc.

Participate, support, host.



Liaison between local bike clubs and state-wide interests.


To members and public. Share with State. Monthly club meetings.

Bike Trails


Inter-City routes.

Facilitate federal funding applications.

Host state-wide biking maps.

Local routes. Work with local gov. to build trail system.

Other Member Benefits


Car Tag

Social Activities

Bike Rides


Provide a State/region wide cycling calendar

Organize and lead rides.

Funding for Bike Programs


Encourage state agencies to apply for funding of Safe Route to Schools and alternative transportation programs.




Bike Summit
Click here for info on
getting your
"Share the Road"
car tag.

Bikes on Trains 
Rails to Trails

2019 State Report Card 

2019 City

Ok Center for