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HomeLAB Oklahoma Suggestions

LAB OK Report Card 2019

LAB OK Report Card 2017
LAB Report Card Guide

The League of American Bicyclists organizes the Bicycle Friendly States  a rating system for U.S. states that indicates their "Bikeablity". This is done using a questionnaire sent to the Bike coordinator at each state's department of transportation. Based on the responses, each state is ranked. Oklahoma was ranked 38th last year.
Also the LAB returns a list of suggested actions that can help a state become more bikeable. Below is a list of those suggestions. Items in green are the "Top Ten" suggestions identified by OBC. Items marked with an "A" are LAB's top suggestions, and "B" are LABs secondary suggestions. Each of these suggestions are candidates for action by BikeOklahoma or other state cycling proponents.

Suggestions from previous years report cards:

A: Adopt a statewide, all-ages cell phone and texting ban to combat distracted driving and increase safety for everyone.


B: Develop a Police Officer Standards and Training (POST) curriculum for bicycling enforcement both for new officers and continuing education – focus on laws related to bicyclists, interactions between motorists and bicyclists, and bicycle collision investigation.


A: Adopt a statewide Complete Streets policy. The National Complete Streets Coalition has a model state policy and a variety of other resources to ensure adoption and implementation. Provide specific training to engineers and planners on how to implement the Complete Streets Policy in everyday decisions. Adopt performance measures, such as mode shift or a low percentage of exempted projects, to better track and support Complete Streets Policy compliance.


A: Adopt a statewide policy that requires bicycle accommodations on all bridge and tunnel projects. These once in a generation projects should create connections for all transportation users rather than build barriers.

A: Ensure that no funds from the Transportation Alternatives program are transferred for purposes other than bicycling and walking projects.
A: Dedicate state funding for bicycle projects and programs, especially those focused on safety and eliminating gaps and increasing access for bicycle networks.
A: Adopt a statewide bicycle plan that addresses each of the five “Es”, has clear implementation actions, and performance measures to gauge success.

B: Establish a statewide bicycle advisory committee to provide accountability for bicycle projects and programs. The BAC should include diverse representation, formal inclusion in decision making, a workplan, and regularly held meetings (at least quarterly).

A: Adopt a mode share goal for biking to encourage the integration of bicycle transportation needs into all transportation and land use policy and project decisions.

B: Conduct a bicycle economic benefit study to showcase the positive impacts of bicycling for tourism, health costs, economic development, job creation, and transportation return on investment.


B: Integrate bicycle enforcement training into the police academy curriculum for new officers. Instructor training is offered by the International Police Mountain Bike Association, the Law Enforcement Bicycle Association and the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.


B: Collect data regarding enforcement actions against motorists based on incidents with bicycles, such as traffic tickets issued, prosecutions, or convictions.
B: Adopt a policy requiring state office buildings, state park and recreation facilities, and other state facilities to provide bicycle parking. 
A: The state is spending a low amount of federal funding on bicyclists and pedestrians. Adopt federal funding project rating criteria that incentivize bicycle projects and accommodations.
B: Hold a bicycle ride sponsored by the Governor and/or legislators to show their constituents that their elected officials support bicycling.

A: Add bicycle safety as an emphasis area in the state Strategic Highway Safety Plan and aggressively fund bike safety projects.

A: Adopt performance measures to decrease bicycle fatalities.

Bike Summit
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"Share the Road"
car tag.

Bikes on Trains 
Rails to Trails

2019 State Report Card 

2019 City

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